Trainees: What Behavior To Adopt

Category : Training Activities

When one is accepted within a company to carry out an internship, the least of things is to behave correctly: whatever the age, the educational level, the degree of shyness, the number of professional experiences … In this article, you will find some tips (which may seem obvious to some, but which are not always applied) to make your attitude pleasant and appreciated.

Trainees: Having A Correct Attitude Is Essential


On the one hand, politeness is essential, both in personal life and in the professional world. Usually, parents remind their children to be polite, to say hello, goodbye, please, and thank you. Doing so will not in any way seem kick-ass, it is just the basis of good manners. The fact of not saying these simple little words is often frowned upon.


First of all, you are in a company and not at school. Employees are not your classmates, so please do not behave and speak too familiarly, only talk to you if you are allowed.

Also, stay humble, express yourself without being disagreeable. You can make useful reviews, but it’s best to keep others to yourself.


This is also an essential point. Better not to allow yourself to arrive late every day (morning or early afternoon), even if it’s only 5 minutes. Stick to your schedules: don’t allow yourself to leave a few minutes before lunch break or the end of the day. Also, your break time should not be excessive. These habits are noticed very quickly and are really unprofessional. If you occasionally need to leave earlier or arrive later, check with your tutor in advance to see if you can make up for work time.

Corporate Culture

Every company has a culture of its own, determined by rules, ethical and moral codes, common values, a dress code, working methods… It can also vary from country to country. You have to respect it.


It is important to communicate in order to integrate yourself (especially if it is an internship of several weeks) but it is not necessarily easy. Don’t hesitate to stay with your colleagues during breaks to get to know each other better. If the company has a relaxation area with a ping-pong table or table football, for example, playing with them will make it easier for you to relax and get to them afterwards.

Also, if you have a doubt or a problem that you cannot resolve, dare to ask for help in order to avoid making mistakes that could be crucial for the smooth running of the business.


If it is an observation internship, you may not be required to be in total autonomy, in other cases, it is important that you are. Employees can guide you if you are having some difficulty, but it is important that you know how to fend for yourself. Write down all the tips and information that may be useful to you so that you do not seek them out or ask for them again.

Also, if you have completed the work given to you, do not sit back and do nothing. Offer to help your colleague, see if another job can be assigned to you. Be entrepreneurial: if you have ideas, share them.

Preparation Of The Internship Report

You will certainly have to write a report, a thesis or submit a file about your internship.

Try to gather all the necessary information before the end of your internship: to do this, ask questions, consult the paper documentation, the website … do not take it at the last minute. It shows that you are serious and organized.


The company agrees to devote time to you, so please do not give the impression that you are wasting it. If you appear annoyed, tired, uninterested, sighing, relationships with others may be difficult and your internship assessment may not be very good. Stay curious, smiley, positive, and be grateful. The internship can only go better.